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LOCATION: Kassam Stadium, Oxford, UK

Electronic Component Show is a one-day event offering the opportunity for design engineers and purchasing professionals to network with electronic manufacturers, distributors and service providers to source new products, solutions and contacts.

We will be showcasing our ergonomic stereo microscopes, and digital microscope innovations. Amongst them will be exciting new digital inspection systems, eyepiece-less microscopes, including our flagship Mantis, and Lynx EVO – winner of the Queen’s Award for Innovation.

Preview the range:

Mantis PIXO stereo microscope showing PCB rework on monitor

Improved hand-eye coordination and lower operator fatigue makes tasks such as soldering, PCB inspection and rework easy, especially for extended periods.

The unique 3D view offers enhanced visual inspection of components. Easily interrogate a subject from multiple angles for fast and accurate throughput.

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