The ability to keep working without impacting the safety of staff, suppliers or customers is vital for many. To help get the most from your Vision Engineering equipment here is a rundown of the systems can be used for safer connected working.

Safety First

Keeping operators safe from cross-contamination when sharing equipment is key in maintaining staff health, particularly in cases where they come into close contact with the equipment in question. For microscope users, the eyepiece-less design of the DRV-Z1, Lynx EVO and Mantis systems mean that operators can work more safely with a stereo 3D view as their eyes are not at risk of coming into direct contact with potentially infected eyepieces.

A further benefit of the eyepiece-less design means that operators can wear safety glasses or visors with no loss of performance or reduction in the field of view. This allows technicians to maintain safe working practices without compromising on quality of performance.

Another factor contributing to the safety of operators is the haptics incorporated into the design of DRV-Z1, Lynx EVO, EVO Cam II and Mantis. These allow operators to use these systems easily and safely whilst wearing gloves, further reducing the risk of spreading infection, especially in a shared working environment.


Connectivity is a key advantage to sharing information, collaborating and improving productivity across distributed sites, which is why many of our optical and digital products incorporate options to capture and share images.

Two DVR-Z1 units in communication across the globe


DRV-Z1 is the only high resolution digital stereo microscope that can be used for live 3D collaboration across multiple sites. Connect live to other DRV-Z1 systems to collaborate with other DRV users in 3D or with non-DRV users on a 2D screen. 3D views can be recorded as stills or as videos to give greater detail and movement information.

Like many other Vision Engineering systems, DRV-Z1 settings can be established on one system and then shared with remote users, significantly aiding rapid collaboration.

woman in white coat investigating substance with EVO Cam II digital microscope


Featuring HDMI and USB3 outputs, EVO Cam II can be used to stream images using almost any webcam package. Software such as Skype will detect the EVO Cam II automatically and it will work simply as a ‘plug and play’ with any Windows 10 Professional system. It is also easy to share live images with co-workers at other locations or record still or video images that can be emailed to co-workers wherever they are located.

As with DRV-Z1, settings can be established on one EVO Cam II and then shared with other users. This aids collaboration by ensuring consistency across multiple sites.


Lynx EVO (with SmartCam or SmartCam5) and Mantis Elite Cam HD

Lynx EVO (with SmartCam or SmartCam5) and Mantis Elite Cam HD are equipped with ViCapture software, enabling simple, high quality image capture. When live connection is required, simply set the system up to allow image sharing using universal webcam applications such as Skype.



Bench magnifier users can also take advantage of connected working, simply adding BenchKam to any Wave LED or Circus LED magnifier. Working as a plug-and-play webcam, images can be shared live over Skype and other streaming and meeting software.

Further benefits of connected working

  • Reduced exposure to environmental risk factors
  • Faster validation of parts and processes without need to attend in person
  • Faster understanding of issues leading to faster resolution
  • Reduced travel time and cost
  • Reduced personal cost with time away from home
  • Reduced environmental impact by reduction in travel requirement
  • Easy recording and recall of still and video images
  • Efficient collaboration without need to leave the workstation

For more information on remote collaboration and connected working with Vision Engineering inspection systems please contact your local Vision Engineering office or representative.